$50,000 F5 Foundation STEM Education Grant 

$50,000 F5 Foundation STEM Education Grant

$50,000 F5 Foundation STEM Education Grant.

$50,000 F5 Foundation STEM Education Grant

Are you passionate about leveling the playing field and empowering girls and women of color in the world of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM)?

Well, we’ve got exciting news for you!

The F5 Foundation is thrilled to announce its STEM Education 2023 Grants, and invites you to be a part of this incredible opportunity.

At F5, the future belongs to those who can innovate and adapt to the ever-evolving technological landscape. That’s why F5 is committed to investing in programs that promote accessibility and career opportunities in STEM for girls and women of color.

Through this $50,000 USD one-time grant, F5 aims to build a robust pipeline of female leaders who will shape the future of these fields.

The best part? There are no reporting requirements for this grant, and the funding is entirely unrestricted, giving you the flexibility to make a real impact on the lives of those you serve.

Are you ready to take on the challenge and make a difference? Here’s what you need to know to be eligible for this fantastic opportunity:

🔹 Your nonprofit organization must be legally registered as a charitable organization in your operating country, or you should be fiscally sponsored by a legally registered charitable organization for at least 3 years.

🔹 Your organization’s primary focus should be on increasing access, capacity building, career development, or other related initiatives with the aim of boosting representation of women of color in STEM, particularly the technology sector.

🔹 The majority (>50%) of those benefiting from the grant funding must be women of color and/or girls of color.

🔹 Ensure your organization has a functional website (Please note that social media accounts do not meet this requirement).

🔹 For non-U.S. based nonprofits, F5’s international grantmaking partner, CAF America, will conduct an Enhanced Expenditure Responsibility (EER) process. Don’t worry about the fees; F5 will cover them.

🔹 Discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity will disqualify organizations from receiving a grant.

🔹 All countries are eligible to apply.

Ready to take the first step towards creating a brighter future in STEM education? Mark your calendars with these important dates:

📆 Grant application open: July 14, 2023 – August 18, 2023, at 11:45pm PST.

📅 Notification of granting status: October 2023.

🌟 Selected grant partners’ transfers initiated: October 2023.

To apply, click the link below. Remember, applications must be submitted electronically, and the character count should not exceed 200,000 characters. English is the preferred language.

👉 [Click Here to Apply]

For more information, visit the official webpage via the link below:

🔗 [Official Webpage]

Don’t miss this opportunity to be a catalyst for change in STEM education!

The deadline to apply is August 18, 2023.