Rare Gigantic “Doomsday” Fish with Mysterious Holes Spotted by Divers in Taiwan

Rare Gigantic "Doomsday" Fish with Mysterious Holes Spotted by Divers in Taiwan

Rare Gigantic “Doomsday” Fish with Mysterious Holes Spotted by Divers in Taiwan.

Rare Gigantic "Doomsday" Fish with Mysterious Holes Spotted by Divers in Taiwan

Divers in Taiwan have encountered a remarkable sight—an enormous oarfish with mysterious holes in its body.

This rare sea creature, often referred to as the “doomsday fish,” was found floating eerily upright near Ruifang District in Taipei, as reported by CNN.

The holes in its body are believed to be a result of escaping from a shark attack.

A video capturing the mesmerizing encounter has gone viral on the internet. It shows the astonished divers circling around the shimmering fish, with one of them even attempting to touch it.

The video caption provides additional information: “A wild experience with a rare deep-sea monster. Oarfish are large, greatly elongated, pelagic lampriform fish belonging to the small family Regalecidae. Found in areas spanning from temperate ocean zones to tropical ones, yet rarely seen, the oarfish family contains three species in two genera. One of these, the giant oarfish (Regalecus glesne), is the longest bony fish alive, growing up to 11 m (36 ft) in length.”

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According to the New York Post, the fish in question measures approximately 6-and-a-half feet long. While this is sizable, it pales in comparison to their maximum recorded length of 36 feet, making them the longest-known bony fish, as recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records.

It has long been associated with folklore that the appearance of an oarfish is a harbinger of earthquakes, although this theory has yet to be scientifically proven. These creatures are typically found at depths ranging from 656 to 3,200 feet beneath the ocean’s surface.

Note: This news report has been edited by Anjali Thakur and is sourced from World News.

Source | CNN